

All that I desire to point out is the general principle that life imitates art far more than art imitates life. - Oscar Wilde

Nothing too much to say today, it being my first post and all. I'm KyAmbrae, but I'll be Bray for short. This blog will mainly be about fashion, women, health, and things of that sort. I have a divine fascination with models, and the fashion industry in general. The life of glamour isn't a very vivid dream of mine, but I do love the whole exclusive environment of it all. No normal person has a clue about the world in which I plan to live in, but I'm here to bring it to you, and hopefully, to life for myself. I've got big plans, people, and I am determined to make it somewhere, ya know? Can anyone relate? Well, I know many can but plenty won't understand. I've been called alot of things: complex, gorgeous, smart, intellectual and so on, but I don't see myself as such, or atleast not in the same words. I'm decent. More plan than anything else. I am smart, but I could be smarter, I'm pretty but I could look better. There are plenty things I can do to better myself, but i want to help others (like yourselves) better yourself as well. Well, this is enough for a first post.


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