
#002 - Becoming a Healthy Lady

Being a healthy lady isn't as hard as one would previously portray it to be.

A little determination can go a very long way. There are many benefits of being healthy, and here are just a few examples:

♥ not only will you live longer, your skin will adapt greatly to the adjustments of aging.
♥ your hair will go longer, and stronger, given that fact that if you take care of it by using the right products (post for a different day)
♥ you'll ultimately be even more beautiful than you already are. beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so behold yourself!

there are many sites that give tips on easy healthy living; shortcuts DO NOT CUT IT! If your going to live healthy, do it right, people. Really, who has time to use a shortcut, then more than likely having to start all over again! My top ways to start living healthy are simple. Yoga is one of them. By being a very, not only relaxing, but spiritual activity, this is an activity that once you get started, you'll be hooked! Detox is another critical step when starting a healthy lifestyle journey! There are many medicines that help, but the best way to go is pure fruits and vegetables, thats all, for atleast a week. Think of it as a fast from anything processed foods.

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